5.5 Release Notes
- Get Screens - Get Screens now retain the filters from previous searches.
- Design Library Get Screen -- There is now a simplified Design Library Get Screen that offers only Design Number, Customer Account Number, and Customer Name. You can use the Advanced and Basic buttons to toggle between the new and traditional Get Screen.
- Color Coordination Get Screen - There is now a simplified Color Coordination Get Screen that offers only Order Number or the Coloring Routing Step (usually OC030). You can use the Advanced and Basic buttons to toggle between the new and traditional Get Screen.
- Work Order Dispatch Get Screen - There is now a simplified Work Order Dispatch Get Screen that only displays Order Number, Customer Account Number. If you prefer the former screen, use the Advanced button to click there.
- Sales Order Get Screen - There is now a simplified Sales Order Get Screen that only displays Order Number, Customer Account Number. If you prefer the former screen, use the Advanced button to click there.
- Visual Scheduler Get Screen - There is now a simplified Visual Scheduler Get Screen that only displays Date Range and Scheduling Operation Due (Usually EM200 and/or SP200). If you prefer the former screen, use the Advanced button to click there.