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Art File Management

Art File Management Provides These Advantages

Unrestricted Access to Your Own Company Art Files

Art and stitch files are a major asset for most decorated products companies. EmbTrak believes that these files should be continually available to any authorized system or user within your organization. We recommend that all such files be stored on a central file server within your company. Like any other authorized system or user, EmbTrak simply reads these files as needed, while you control outside access to them through your Windows network security settings.

 Some digitizing software companies require that to properly secure and quickly access your files, they must be read into their proprietary file server system. This means you no longer control access to your own files, and if you want to control access, you must pay hefty additional connection fees or purchase special software.

Art File Names

As a decorated products company grows, and the number of art files and folders it must manage expands from hundreds to thousands, or even tens of thousands, finding the right file becomes more difficult and time-consuming. Often, an organically-developed, “human friendly” file folder structure may be difficult for a computer program to intuitively navigate and associate each file with a specific customer. 

EmbTrak helps new customers reorganize their files through numbered filenames and range-numbered file folders. The EmbTrak Design Library can record up to 27 different fields of information about each design, such as “Customer Account Number,” “Description,” “Date Created,” or “Image Height.”

A search by specific account will display all the files associated with that account number. Scrolling though the records enables the user to see each actual stitch file design on the screen. Users can also quickly search the entire Design Library for designs that match a wildcard search–if "PGA" is entered in the Description field, then all designs that contain "PGA" somewhere in their description are listed.

Art Files and Color

DST stitch files are the worldwide standard for embroidery digitizing and machine operation because every embroidery program can read them and they will run on almost any legacy machine. DST files also do not store color information, which should be stored based on associations between file names, customer accounts, product/color combinations, and orders instead.

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The more I work with EmbTrak, the more I have come to appreciate its capabilities and efficiency as a workflow processing system. The ease of interface and simplicity of data mining/retrieval make... Read More

Eric Hann
Bermuda Sands Apparel of Embroidery Operations Manager

The proofing feature in EmbTrak has dramatically improved efficiency and accuracy in communicating the many details of orders with customers. Our customers, sales reps, and production team have a... Read More

James Hedges
Simms Fishing of Customer Service Rep

The proofing feature in EmbTrak has dramatically improved efficiency and accuracy in communicating the many details of orders with customers. Our customers, sales reps, and production team have a... Read More

James Hedges
Simms Fishing of Customer Service

"After adding EmbTrak, our color coordination staff was able to handle a 48% sales increase in March over the previous year's level with less overtime and no increase in headcount. EmbTrak has been... Read More

James Howarth
TaylorMade-Adidas Golf of National Services Manager

“EmbTrak makes training new production operators much easier by providing detailed thread-up instructions, a list of required cones, a production dispatch list and a printed Work Order with a color... Read More

Lori Young
Dunlop Sports Group of Production Supervisor

"It's a beautiful thing--you select a Work Order, you select a design from the customer's dropdown list, you click ‘Match’ and all the thread colors come in, and you're done!"

Kim Washburn
Dunlop Sports Group of Color Coordinator

“I love EmbTrak. I can do the color coordination on an order in about half the time it took without EmbTrak.”

Tara Cutts
Fairway & Greene of Color Coordinator

“EmbTrak is the best thing you’ve ever done for our business."

Sales Rep
Antigua Group of IT Department

"October was the highest sales month in the history of Antigua. It was so busy that even the VP of Operations was in the warehouse picking product for orders. However, the Order Coordination area,... Read More

Chris Devous
Antigua Group of Director of Development