5.19 Release Notes
- Visual Scheduler -- The Machine Code can now be printed on the Work Order report. To activate this option, check the Show Machine Code in Work Order Print Profile. You must save the updated Print Profile for the change to take effect.
- Visual Scheduler -- There is now an report option to select to print only committed orders. To activate this option, check the Print Only Committed Orders box when printing a Batch Print.
- Visual Scheduler -- There are new columns available for display on the Work Orders menu. Units, Ship Via, Design # and Picture may be selected/deselected with a right click in the column header area.
- Visual Scheduler -- Allows for a minimum threshold to be selected during Auto-Scheduling that will schedule orders of varying quantities to the various sizes of machines to maximize head usage. Head usage equals the number of pieces (P) in an order divided by the number of runs R) needed X number of heads(H), so the equation is P/(R*H)=Usage Score. For example, a 17-piece order would have a usage score on a 6-head machine of 17 pieces /(3 runs x 6 heads) = 17/18 or 94%. That same order on a 12-head machine would have a score of 17/(2x12) = 17/24 or 71% It's not the 7 heads left "empty" out of those runs, but the percentage we are basing this on. So if the threshold is set to 75%, the order would be sent to the 6-head machine with a 94% usage score instead of the 12-head machine that only scored 71%. Likewise a 101-piece order on a 12-head machine would also leave 7 heads empty, but would score 101/9X12 = 101/108 = 94%, which would meet or exceed the 75% threshold.
- Visual Scheduler -- For customers who use the Picking Milestone, there is a Delay option for scheduling. Orders that have not been picked can be scheduled, but with a delay. This allows users to go ahead and put the unpicked order on the schedule with a specified delay to allow time for the order to be picked. To set this delay, go to Scheduler - Tools - Preferences - Picking Tab. Adjust the Min Hours in Future to Schedule Unpicked.