5.8 Release Notes
- EmbTrak Reports
- The report headers have been modified slightly to standardize the report title font, page numbers, date/time, etc.
- Packing LIst and Packing List by Contractor - Now include the CSR and Sales Reps Names
- Sales Order Reports - Now include the CSR and Sales Reps Names
- New Reports:
- Customer List by Number: Prints a listing of all active customers and address in Account Number order.
- Customer LIst by Name: Prints a listing of all active customers and address in Account Name order.
- Color History by Customer: Prompts for Customer, Design, Color Date range. A value in all 3 criteria is required to return potential results. Prints a thread list of how this design has been colored for different garment colors within the date range. The time to run this report will vary, depending on how many orders are in your system.
- Sales Orders by Month: Prompts for Req Date range. Prints number of Sales Orders for each month within the date range.
- Work Orders by Month: Prompts for Req Date range. Prints number of Work Orders for each month within the date range.
- Design Development - Detailed: Prompts for Design Status, Account Number, Design Number, and Design Date range. Prints a detailed listing of the Customer Status, Design #, Description, Customer #, Company Name, Sales Rep, Artist, Digitizer, Design Date, Date Last Used, Process, Stitches, Stops, Width, Height, Trims and Comments. This report prints at least 4 lines per design, so it can be lengthy when run for a large number of designs.
- Designs By Date Last Used: Prompts for Date Last Used range. Prints listing of Designs which have a Date Last Used within the given date range. Prints Design, Description, Last Used Date, Acct # and Customer Name.
- Design Library - There is now a Refresh Customer List button on the top of the grid. If you add a customer to EmbTrak and it does not show in the Design Library’s customer dropdown, click Refresh Customer List to update the dropdown. (* see screenshot below)
- Design Library - You can now update the Thumbnail image in the design grid by clicking the Refresh button in the design record. (* *see screenshot below)
- Scheduler LIcensing - The licensing for “sandbox” machines has changed. Notify EmbTrak Support prior to the update if you use “sandbox” machines.